Escort-boy or the new concept of the so-called free woman !
The 2013 woman of thirty or sixty years old, doesn’t live like her mother, and even less like her grandmother.
That woman fully assumes her choices, desires, and mainly her pleasures. And because or thanks to this development, a new business is born.
Escort -boy : who is he ?
As his name suggests, escort, he plays the role of a guide for a weekend or a few hours, during a night at the theater, dinner at restaurant , tête à tête, in a professional place or cocktail with friends or relations of the person who uses his services. For a relatively high rate (one hundred euros per hour), he brings his charm, a rather refined presentation, he is classy and well mannered and has an excellent culture, or even more . He is zen (important) and always gives the impression to be listening, because he is a good actor ! He speaks at least English and has very chic clothes, as he is is supposed to seduce her client (if he wants to enjoy an excellent reputation, word- of-mouth works perfectly).
He usually comes from privileged strata of society . He may be a student who has money problems or a young executive « with long teeth »(!) who love mix with business women in comfortable and luxurious places or simply a man whose salary does not meet his expectations . Proof of his talent, he combines his work during the day with one of the night, without any apparent trouble.
Who calls on him ?
The typical profile is a woman around 30 to 40 years old, professionally at the top, single because too busy with her career, or married and whose husband is not very attentive or just for a change.
Rather elegant, feminine, cultured, her money power is vast especially if she goes into a friendship with a man she likes and whom she « uses » regularly. It will cost her about 800 euros per night minimum (between the price of the escort , restaurant, theater, club etc. .), Of course, only wealthy women can afford this kind of extra.
She is often someone who does not want to become attached to somebody because of her love life disappointments, but also with a desire for equality in front of a man. ( I pay and this is my decision, a dream for many women ! )
First step towards prostitution?
All this seem idyllic and they are men who want to keep their role of » knight » !. Others are more attracted by the lure of money what they admit unashamedly, then they agree for relations going much further, sexually speaking . These practices are then assimilated to prostitution , but the escort refuses the word and, instead, speaks of a private story between two grown-ups and once, the contract is filled, the price increases and remains in his discretion if her partner asks for more .
Internet allows the explosion of the job which, each year, is increasing in large proportions . A research on Google shows that it grew over 450 % already in 2010.
The law does not allow to be into the many sites that host this particular population , because it is considered no more, no less, as solicitation. Therefore, Escorts go abroad, Holland not to mention it where they are not under the French law.
For French escorts , they simply have to pay taxes in due form, but they are stuck and identified as prostitutes .
Initially, the idea is comparable to the famous Japanese geishas whose culture is infinite and whose role is to offer their company to wealthy clients for trips without sex, contrary to an unfairly widespread theory saying that these young women are streetwalkers.
A priori, the concept is interesting, even if the actual deviation for some, seriously, damages the basic idea. Finally, it should be remembered that there is a demand, it is undeniable and it seems gradually making its way into the new trends.
& don’t forget… Enjoy !
To see more… follow this link https://www.autantenemportelapresse.fr